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Ahlak gelişmeye nasıl


Bu ahlak gelişmeye nasıl. Beni güçlü. Sen dediğimi yap. Sen hiçbir şey işe yaramaz. I kill you. That’s been like this for thousands of years.

Sonra biz yenilik var. İnsanlar eğer ahlak böyle olduğunu anlamaya, programlama yaptığım herhangi bir enayi olmaz, her evde PC koymak, ve vergi ödemek. Yani bu daha fazla gibi, Arkamda Tanrı'nın olduğunu. Tanrı sizi aynı şeyi yapmak istiyor O sana yapmak istiyorum. Eğer inanmıyorsanız, I kSeni öldürmekhat’s been going quite well.

But then people figure out that anyone can make the same lie and the mysterious God never did anything significant to tell which one is truly his prophet. It’s like the movie year 1. Abraham told that God told him that all the Israel land belongs to his descendants. Ancak, God forget to tell everyone else so he got to fight for the land. Till now they still do. I mean if we are going to kill each other anyway wasting money, why need morality?

Eventually, a great prophet Adam Smith come bringing a divine commandment of free market. People can verify that those embrace free market get rich and those who don’t keep killing each other.

So we move up again and got prosper.

And then people see that free trades bring even more prosperity. Awesome… Then we got more and more prosper. We know more and more. Buddha predict that our life expectancy will reach 10k years. Rather than screaming tenno haika banzai, japanese can start screaming watashiwa banzai.

The pattern is, while we deceive each other, eventually we learn enough from one another to reach enlightenment and come up with a better solution. The future will be bright.

Ahlak gelişmeye nasıl is a post from: Serbest Piyasa Her zaman

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  • LifeExpectancy|Serbest piyasa sonsuza kadar (1)

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